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Dear Brothers, Dear Sisters, Dear MSP.

For several years now, I have been walking the streets of our professions with emotion, frustration and enthusiasm. Each step has always pushed me towards this deep determination, that of giving each of you the smile of belonging to a strong and prosperous community.

I must have learned from many who will have brought our Order to the respectable level it is at today. Unfortunately, the order can't do it all on its own, of course. Through our solid partnerships, which I would like to salute, by the proximity allowed by our Regional councils, we will be able to become a formidable aggregator of all the energies deployed in the service of the MSP that we are.

This is the strong impetus that we will give to our action during our mandate.

You will have understood this and you have given me your confidence to represent you wherever necessary as President of your National Order.

The moment of more coming together has arrived, a moment when the synergy of action is more necessary to ignite the flame of the united front which will give us the strength to heal with joy.

We will soon be asking all MSP on the subject, in order to better understand their expectations in terms of support in their professional career. This consultation, which will be broad, should allow the creation of concrete mechanisms, which MSP can easily appropriate to meet their needs. These tools will be aimed at all MSP, young and old alike, liberal as well as hospital workers.

As you can see, 2021 will be a year in which the Order will act more, as we have continued to do since 2020 with our Regional Sections whose dynamism is well established. My team and I have the time and the determination to act. And this time, believe me, we will put it to good use. We are, and, more than ever determined to complete this modernization of the Order.

I am all the more determined since the Order is an expected actor, a heard actor, and we must live up to these expectations and this listening.

Indeed, our voice will carry today. Because the Order is the only institution that represents all the MSP professions. And thanks to the work we have been carrying out since 2020, our Order will experience its highest level of development.

We will remain vigilant on the subjects of the quality of the profession, the need to improve jobs, or the problems raised by collectives or unions on the revision of texts which will have to be more inclusive and thoughtful, subjects on which our amendments will be submitted to the National Assembly.

There is indeed no ethics without PMS, and no MSP without ethics. This is our legitimacy in expressing ourselves, and we will know how to make ourselves heard on sensitive subjects that will affect our professions,

Some would like to challenge us this right to intervene in the debate. Others, on the contrary, believe that we are doing too little. I want to say that the Order of MSP will never again be expressed lightly. We do this when we are convinced of the need to take a stand on specific issues.

We will do so to make the voice of MSP and the ethical principles that bind us heard, when necessary.

There is no doubt that we will have to do it again in 2021. And we will never hesitate to do it.

Because the challenges that we will have to meet collectively from 2021 to 2024 are numerous.

Faced with these challenges, in this pivotal year, the Order will fully play its role.

In 2021, the Order of MSP, particularly at its local levels, will continue to work alongside MSP to support them in their fight for access to jobs. From April the Regional Councils of the Order will approach the registered MSP again. Because we have been saying it for several years: only the joint work of all the players in the field can make it possible to create lasting solutions for access to jobs. And the Order will facilitate its genesis.

As you can see, the challenges facing our health system remain unresolved.

The Order had, in the early days, warned of the dangers of a planned explosion in our health care system. Let's stay fully

mobilized in the face of this threat,

mobilized to bring about the reform for which we have been working for several years

mobilized to support MSP and local actors in their field struggle for access to healthcare

Mobilized to relentlessly reform our institution.

Thanks to this work, which we will continue in 2021-2024, the Order will be more fully at the service of MSP and patients tomorrow. He will accompany them in their exercise. He will support them at every stage of their career.

Thanks to this work, the Order will be a player in the public debate. His voice is important there. It will remain so.

Thanks to this work, the Order will further strengthen, tomorrow, its role alongside MSP, health professionals, public authorities, institutions, elected officials and patients, everywhere in the territory, in the battle for access. taking care.

Madam AMINATOU ABDOULAYE marries BELINGA, I mean Madam President, by your voting instructions, 77% of MSP, members of the GA gave me their confidence. You have thus entered history without knowing it. History will remember that you were the first president to do so. When you joined the board, you chose continuity and change. We will do it together.

Dear Brothers, Dear Sisters, Dear MSP.

Faced with the resurgence of Covid -19 and the appearance of new variants, everyone, protect yourself and have everyone protected, respect and enforce the barrier measures to overcome our difficulties.

Thank you to each of you, may innovation be our workhorse.


President-elect of the AMSP.

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